Merry Christmas!
Now last year's mince pie research wasn't conducted under the most controlled conditions and well, this year's research isn't any better. My rules for this year's study - just choose whichever box of mince pies speaks to you. I let my intuition lead and chose with my heart. So I went to six different supermarkets and picked up seven boxes of mince pies. This means some were basic range, some the superior range and some the whacky mince pie-spin off variety. It's not the most fair study, it's not perfect, but listen - life isn't fair or perfect. Channel your Christmas spirit, let go of any angst you may be holding about this and let's have a bit of fun!
There are fewer mince pies than last year, but I've made up for it by including some extra details and I've even included the prices this year (don't say I don't treat you).
Let the judgement begin!
6 Merry Mince Pies
I love Tesco. I love the vibes, the retro flooring, the warm hug that a Big Tesco provides on a gloomy day, the unrelenting chokehold the Clubcard has us in. But these mince pies? They are not very good. Pastry is very dry yet stodgy at the same time. The filling is also a little dry with very little flavour and it has that unpleasant tangy aftertaste. There is some hard mixed peel in there. More pastry than filling. Upsetting experience. I will say that they are what I assume is Tesco's very basic range of mince pies, and they're quite cheap, so I guess you get what you pay for. But they should still be base-level good!
Any points you get are just for participation at this point, like when you write a terrible essay at school but you still get a few marks because you wrote the date and title neatly and you tried. Sorry Tesco. Off to a bad start here. Still love you though.
6 Chocolate & Cherry Crumble Mince Pies

I know, this is where it gets wild. It IS unfair to rate a supermarket's basic range mince pie against an extra special, expensive, spin-off mince pie. But look, it's Christmasssss. Get over it!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THESE. Cherry GOOD, chocolate GOOD, mincemeat GOOD, crumble GOOD! What's not to love? I don't generally agree with chocolate combined with mincemeat but I was willing to try it because I love cherry things.
These really were a taste sensation. You get an immediate cherry hit and it's that nice intense, slightly fake but in a good way, black forest-esque cherry flavour. It pairs really nicely with the mincemeat. The sultanas are big and juicy with amazing textures from the very crunchy crumble topping. The saltiness is balanced. Some bites are like a mince pie, and some bites are very cherry. I don't taste much chocolate from the pastry so it's not adding much but it isn't detracting either, and probably adds a little extra flavour. It also adds interest because it looks lovely - isn't that cross section just beautiful? Those layers and colours. They are the priciest on the list this year, but you pay a bit extra for something special. Wonderful experience, nice one Asda. Bring these back next year!
Taste the Difference 6 Mince Pies
Marks and Spencer
Classic 6 All Butter Mince Pies

I always expect a lot from M&S - they are potentially the kings of the supermarket Christmas scene and their products usually have good flavour profiles. This mince pie was decent but once again, didn't blow me away. The flavours are quite mild - mostly cinnamon, citrus and sugar. It's quite a dry filling but the fruit has a nice bite. The fill is great, it's nice and hearty. The pastry is nice and buttery. Visually, it is wonderful - golden brown pastry and I absolutely love that holly and star design on the top - nice to see INNOVATION and not just the star x snowflake collab that we see every year! Not bad M&S, but not great.
6 All Butter Mince Pies
The Best - 6 Deep Filed Mince Pies

These were interesting. They surprised me. The pastry was very firm but that wasn't a bad thing, I think they are a little high-bake, with those dark brown edges. There is a strong flavour of almond which is puzzling because I don't think they contain any. I can't work out if it's almond or cinnamon. Whatever it is, I'm into it. They do have a boozy hit, and they are not very sweet, also in a good way. As for the deep fill they promised us... is the deep fill in the room with us right now? The 'deep fill' is an interesting conundrum because technically they are filled all the way to their lids (no gap of doom) but they are a flatter mince pie. Before you take a bite, it's a real Schrödinger's Cat situation on the deep fill front.
The design is pretty fabulous and unusual. It does leave a few edges uncovered, with exposed mincemeat which I feel is a little naughty. On the whole, I liked these! They are some of the most expensive on the list, for the price I would have liked a bit of a deeper pie but I really enjoyed the flavour and it's overall vibe.
Free From - 4 Festive Crumble Mince Pies

That makes my winner... ASDA! And Morrissons as a runner up.
Isn't it interesting? Supermarkets that are considered 'cheaper' or 'poorer quality' produced the best mince pies in my opinion, and yet they were the most expensive of all! So what does that tell us? More expensive = better products? Not always the case. Asda nailed it though and I've become a mince pie spin-off convert.
Thank you for reading and please tell me your thoughts if you tried any of the above - if you agree or disagree, if there's another mince pie I simply must try.
Once again, if you're looking for the very best bakery mince pie that embodies all of the most important mince pie factors, try a box of my frangipane topped luxury mince pies. All my mince pie research has gone into these, and I think you'll love them and they're available until January.